Posted by : ArtificialHumanoid понедельник, 9 сентября 2013 г.

Humanoid Robots includes a rich diversity of projects where perception, processing and action are embodied in a recognizably anthropomorphic form in order to emulate some subset of the physical, cognitive and social dimensions of the human body and experience. Humanoid Robot is not an attempt to recreate humans. The goal is not, nor should it ever be, to make machines that can be mistaken for or used interchangeably with real human beings. Rather, the goal is to create a new kind of tool, fundamentally different from any we have yet seen because it is designed to work with humans as well as for them. Humanoids will interact socially with people in typical, everyday environments. We already have robots to do tedious, repetitive labor for specialized environments and tasks. Instead, humanoids will be designed to act safely alongside humans, extending our capabilities in a wide variety of tasks and environments.

1. PETMAN    Boston Dynamics
PETMAN is an anthropomorphic robot designed for testing chemical protection clothing. Natural agile movement is essential for PETMAN to simulate how a soldier stresses protective clothing under realistic conditions.

2 . ASIMO  ▪ Honda  
Astronaut look alike Robot ASIMO by Honda probably is the most famous Humanoid robot till now.It is the first ever robot to walk,move and even climb stairs like humans.ASIMO is 4 Ft 3 inch tall and weighs 53 kilograms. One could call it the foundation for the future generation of robotics.It took over 15 years of extensive research to get it in this shape.

3. HRP- 4  ▪  Kawada
A slim,fast and more advanced robot by the Japanese.

4. Nao   Aldebaran Robotics
One of the cutest and most intelligent robots,the Aldebaran Nao can behave on its own and can always be programmed to do more.

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